Over the years, the dog-human relationship has grown into a more intimate, compassionate, and loving one where once they have each other, the love is palpable and separation shouldn’t be on the table for the duo in the name of anything and under any circumstance whatsoever. Each dog should be with their humans and vice versa in such continuous harmony, but in some cases, chaos arises that separates the duo. Reuniting them is of utmost importance to whoever is in the know, as it is vital for both their mental health and well-being.

The story of Kevin, a Rottweiler, is the perfect example that gives insight into why dogs can be withdrawn sometimes. He was found by the roadside roaming by a shelter worker who had noticed him wandering for like a week while circling the same place over and over as if in search of something, Even though he looked lost, the worker thought he looked so only because he had been abandoned and had endured months or probably years of fending for himself as he strayed. And so, he decided he needed to be brought to the shelter to hopefully find a new home and owner, creating new relationships. Though the worker meant well for him, little did he know that Kevin was not stray but a well-loved and cared for dog who sought only to be reunited with his loving owner since he couldn’t verbalize nor voice his concerns and worries. Kevin went with the flow but secretly hoped that one day his owner would walk right through the door and reclaim him, but until then, he had to wait in what might be a futile attempt because not even the shine of his fur could tell them that he had a sweet and loving home and owner awaiting his return.


Since no one knew he had a name, Kevin was renamed Max, and he was put up in the register, waiting for potential adoption. When he was called by his new given name, Max, he didn’t acknowledge or answer the name. Kevin just remained gloomy in his cage, awaiting his destiny, not friendly with his fellow canine nor the shelter workers, even though they tried to get him out of what seemed like his permanent mood. When others are led out to play, he doesn’t get involved in any of the activities. The only time he rose or barked a little was when it was time for a meal, which he even sometimes ignored. All of these signs were considered by the workers as signs of loneliness from being abandoned, having roamed from one place to another, fending for himself, and receiving no love whatsoever. One day, they all decided that they needed to help Kevin (Max) get a new home as soon as possible instead of waiting for a walk-in person(s) to adopt him. So his pictures and videos were taken and posted on their social media pages, looking out for potential person(s) who were or were interested in being his new owner(s), just like they’ve done for others.

For a while, nothing happened, his pictures and videos only garnered a few likes, views, and comments of people praising him for how handsome he looked, but nothing more, while people contacted the shelter for other dogs who were not as close to him in beauty. The workers were growing wary as he remained the same, and even Kevin seemed to be giving up as the tiny shade of hope in his eyes in the beginning was slowly dimming.


Unknown to the workers and Kevin (Max),, his real owner, Jones has been looking for his beloved dog. He had pasted and given out fliers with the bold image of Kevin and details seeking to find his lost dog and posted them on his social media accounts, but no one knew where he was. Day by day, he had found him, locating him back to the last places they both went. He traveled back and forth, but there were no signs of his black and shining fur or his paws.

He was hell-bent on not giving up hope until he was sure that he could indeed not see and hold him again, which would be devastating. One day, he was scrolling through one of his social media accounts when he scrolled past a video of Max. He froze because he was sure it was his dog, Kevin, and not Max. He checked the pictures, and he was so sure that was his dog, but how he made it to that area and not to mention being at a shelter that had renamed him Max was a mystery to him.

Knowing he needed to get his dog and best friend back, he sent a message to the shelter’s DM with shreds of evidence that indeed Kevin, whom they knew as Max, was his dog. They contacted him to come to sort that out and ascertain that Kevin was his. He told them his dog had a microchip on his neck and sent them the code and the pictures and videos they had together from when Kevin was just a pup to further assure them that Kevin was indeed his. The shelter used a microchip scanner on him, which they never thought of using since they thought he was a stray, and indeed, it was the same code he had sent to them. Since they were sure, they asked Jones to come finish the necessary protocols to be reunited with Kevin (Max).

When Jones entered the shelter, they needed no further clarification because Kevin barked furiously and wagged his tail, which was unusual of him, who never showed any form of emotion when anyone walked in or even touched him, and when he was let out of the cage and he ran to hug him like long lost friends that they were, there was no saying or doing anything otherwise than handing him over. Everyone saw the gloominess he had worn as a shield fell off his eyes, the light came back to his face, and they could have sworn that his fur recovered its shine in a matter of seconds as they both hugged, and with no doubt, they all knew that Kevin was indeed Jones’. No wonder, no one attempted to adopt him despite his shine and how healthy he was, it was as if the universe acknowledged their unique love and relationship.

Though in cases such as Kevin’s, there were documents to be addressed and signed to ascertain that it was the owner who had come for the dog, there was no need for that as the duo had erased all doubts or misconceptions that might have to be addressed, and so without signing, Kevin was handed over to Jones.

When Jones was asked how he lost his best friend, he explained to them how he traveled to another city for business along with Kevin and how he decided to take him out to play at the amusement park since he hadn’t been able to get to walk and play throughout the week, unlike when they were in their own home, where he always had that to his full, but when he went to get ice cream for himself and a treat for him, he was surprised that he couldn’t find him anymore amidst the children that were patting him. And so he began his search after blaming himself endlessly for losing him, the rest was history.

Everyone was happy for Kevin (Max) for this beautiful reunion, and the way the duo related doesn’t require a soothsayer to know that they both loved and considered each other’s best friends dear to their hearts.

While the shelter workers learned a new aspect of dogs: that because they can’t verbalize their emotions in matters of loss, they also rained accolades on Jones for having acknowledged the idea of using microchips for Kevin because even though seeing them bond was their sold-out point, the microchip made it easy for them to invite him in the first place to come sort out the necessary paperwork to get him back.

Jones also realized that his little overthinking saved both him and his dog from the suffering of living without each other. Microchip was the idea he thought of one day when a neighbor’s dog went missing and wasn’t found. Even though he never anticipated losing Kevin, he decided that was the important thing to do just in case. His “just in case” thought led them both back to each other, and he was happy.

Jones and Kevin went back to their home to love each other whenever.


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